Support The Growth!
Yasara'al Children of Light Ministry will thrive because of prayers, gifts, and support from you. Support our efforts in the continuing building of the Kingdom of YAH'EHƲEH through community outreach, church-planting, discipleship, and social media missionary work. We will gladly accept any gifts that can be shared with those who have need. Our goal is to dispense any donation in the best way that services the Yahshar'al community, local community, and the great commission. Your support is greatly appreciated!
In-Kind Donations or By Mail
Please contact us by:
(626) 689-4758
About Children of Light Ministry:
Non-Profit Tax-Exempt Status: Active / Federal Tax ID. EIN 46-4206309
Children of Light Ministry is a legal 508(c)(1)(a) Non-Denominational Faith-Based Religious, non-profit tax-exempt organization (FBRO), applicable in all 50 states and recognized internationally under the Hague Convention of the United Nations Charter.
Children of Light Ministry - Overseer and Successors, A Corporation Sole is the registered entity within the United States, a legal public side instrument of the church. In order to maintain the books of the ministry and ensure that the Assembly of the Messiah is kept above reproach, please make all donations to: Children of Light Ministry. Donations cannot be accepted in the name of pastor(s), minister(s), leadership, or stewards of the assembly.