Salvation Celebrations
Leviticus 23 / Colossians 2:16-17 / James 5:7
YEƲE's Biblical EƲE YASARA Calendar
Almond Tree Blossoming / The Awakening
E'Vi Va (Aviv/Nisan) 1st
E'Vi Va (Aviv/Nisan) 1st
Exodus 12:1-2
Latter Rains before Festivals (Joel 2:23)
Prophecies to be remembered:
Prophecies to be remembered:
The Passover of Mesia
The Lamb & Unleavened Promise
E'Vi Va (Aviv/Nisan) 14th
Luke 22:19
Resurrection Day
Day of Living Hope of the Firstfruits
E'Vi Va (Aviv/Nisan) 17th
1 Corinth. 15:22-23
The Out-Pouring
Se Va Nya (Sivan) 8th
Acts 2:17-18
First Advent of the King
Attention! The Birth of the Yeshiʋɔ Amesiamesia!
Aluloo (Elul), The 6th month
23th week / 22nd Lot of Gamula / 17th day
Luke Ch. 2
Former Rains after Festivals (Hosea 6:3)
Prophecies still to come:
Prophecies still to come:
Feast of Trumpets
Return of the King
1st of Eɖe Nyim (Ethanim / Tishri) the 7th month
The evening of the New Moon
1 Thess. 4:15-17 / Isaiah 27:12-13
Day of Atonement
The Reconciliation of All Creation
10th of Ede Nyim (Ethanim / Tishri) the 7th month
Revelation 7
Feast of Tabernacles
The Tabernacle of YEƲE
7 days celebration - 1st day
15th day of Eɖe Nyim (Ethanim / Tishri) the 7th month
Rev. 21:3 / 2 Corinth 5
Feast of the InGathering
Gathering of the Set-Apart Ones
8th Day Celebration of Tabernacles
22nd day of Eɖe Nyim (Ethanim / Tishri) the 7th month
Isaiah 35 / Isaiah 11 / Leviticus 23:34-40 / Ex. 34:22-24
Declaration of Light
Yeshiʋɔ reveals himself as the Light of the World
25th day of Tsi Sia A'Levi (Chisleu / Kislev) the 9th month
John Ch.9 - Ch.10 - Refer to 1 Maccabees 4:36-59
Pu Yra Mia (Purim)
Our Pray of Removal / Days of Lots: Curse to Blessing
Our Pray of Removal / Days of Lots: Curse to Blessing
The Courage of an EƲE Woman and Integrity of an EƲE Man
14th and 15th day of Mi Aɖzre (Adar) the 12th month
Story and Prayer of Hadasa (Esther) & Mordicai
*Celebrated by the Southern Tribes of Yasara - Nation of Yahdu
*Celebrated by the Southern Tribes of Yasara - Nation of Yahdu