Happy New Year! Nope, Not Behind!

Evening of Mon.11 2013 -  Sunset of Tues. 12, 2013
5774 J.Y. / 2013-2014 C.E.

The Biblical New Year (as known as Rosh Chodashim in Hebrew) it is the start of the first month; Nisan/Abib (Aviv), of the New Year made sacred and Holy by our Creator and Father, YHWH. This time-keeping calendar was created for Holy festivals helping Israel and those of Faithful believers of Yeshua to memorialize symbolic events of past and present, such as Passover, Resurrection Day, Weekly Sabbath and even the second coming of Christ Yeshua’s Feast of Trumpets.

The Calendar was given to Moses before the Passover and the Exodus from Egypt: “And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.” (Exodus Chapter 12-13 KJV)

So, many Christians and non-christians alike ask the question, “Why don’t Christian celebrate The Biblical New Year?”

It goes back to Roman Emperor Constantine, First Council of Nicaea 325 a.d., when he created the new man-made Universal Christian Religion, trying to separate themselves from the original Biblical Holy Sacred traditions given to Israel by God YHWH to Moses. So, as time moves on, the break-offs of the Universal Christian Religion tooks the traditions and beliefs created by the Universal Christian Religion, which also adopted other pagan “holy” days (holidays) into the Universal Christian Religion. Leaving YHWH Biblical Holy Calendar with symbolic festivals of past and future events, teaching and reminding us of the promises God has kept in waiting, causing many to leave the calendar behind.

So, why is it important? Time is not just something you waste, spend and past, but a deeper account of understanding Salvation, the New Covenant and the Second Coming of the King. Understand, the Calendar doesn’t just cease just because most of mankind has stopped using it or never used it. YHWH plans, has and will always be in motion, the Calendar is only a glimpses of “time travel” per say. It’s not a code, but a reminder, not a checklist, but a gauge of things to come. It’s better than Outlook and Google calendar, it’s a yearly reminder that the Almighty God has created for HOPE!

By the way: If you start keeping record now, count 14 days, you will land on Nisan 14th. It will no longer just be called the “Last Supper”, but called the Yeshua’s Passover of the New Covenant!

Yes, there is much more to say, but lets enjoy this day with the understanding that the First day of this Calendar has led us to Salvation and unto Eternity. Selah! Amen!


1. All new months start at the sliver of the New Moon, not the absent moon, nor full moon.

2. Concerning the weekly sabbath, if you start at the Biblical New Year day, being the first day of the month, then count to the seventh day, then you would be following the weekly sabbath.

Pr. Aaron B. Wheeler, Minister